WOW! Can you believe that tomorrow is Christmas! And we get to talk via Skype? I can´t really believe how fast the time is going. I think I´m still in shock from the first day in the mission till now. It´s just flown by.
Well I came to Ambato and had my first baptism in the sector this Saturday. He is a great example of faith, even with a lot of oposition he did everything possible to prepare for baptism. His name is Anibal, and he is great.Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Week 25: Feliz Navidad From Middle Earth Otherwise known as Ecuador ;)
Monday, December 16, 2013
Week 24: Good bye Baños, Hello Ambato, A Companionship Adventure to Middle Earth, And A Dream
Yep that´s right, I got transfered to Ambato with Hna Carter! Woot! I don´t know if you remember the first person we saw in the airport when I was sent off... well that´s Hna. Carter. We are in this journey of middle earth together!
Needless to say it was hard to say goodbye to certain people and it was a bit hard to say goodbye to Baños as well. I am glad for new experiences and for new people but I will have it known that Baños will forever have a special place in my heart. I am now in Ambato and it is HUGE! It is like I went from Moab to New York City. I am in a bit of shock jaja. There is a mall here a mall. Yeah, and Chinese food! Que rico! I thought I was distracted in Baños jaja. Here it is a whole different type of distraction like people everywhere and cars and everything. I bet you can imagine. I am excited to be here though. The changes came really hard for Hna. Negro. She is finishing the training of another Hna in Baños and she is so nervous for it. But I know she will do great! I will say it is quite the miracle that I can comunicate with my latina companions and rather well not to sound boastful or anything but somehow they understand me and I know that my Heavenly Father is watching out for me. Now me toca con una compañera norteamericana. The experiences that we will have, oh the places we will see, the people we will teach. I am feeling great things coming.
I would like to share an experience that I had this week with you all. I have dreamed a dream or in other words I have seen a vision... jaja. But really the other night I was feeling a bit down and like I wasn´t really doing much good here and I went to bed feeling that way. And that night I had a dream, and it started that I was teaching a family and they didn´t show any signs of interest at all and, then followed by the weird time warp thing that happens in dreams, and I was at the temple in Salt Lake for the sealing of Amber and Eric and outside in the temple grounds was this family. And this family told me that I was the missionary that got them started in the Church, one of the young children told me thank you. And the father told me that they are now working on entering the temple to be sealed. I know this is only a dream I am not one who is really big into dreams, especially after Baños (where everyone has the craziest nightmares ever) but this dream came to me as an answer to my prayers. That although I may not see the fruits of my work it is still there and I may not be the one to see these people baptized but Everything is for a reason. For me this was such a great experience that really helped me feel peace and furthered my testimony that my Heavenly Father loves me.
Two weeks ago we gave a book of mormon to this one investigator and we weren´t able to visit him till one week later and before we even asked him he brought out his book and had read almost 200 pages! and he said I´m sorry that I couldn´t read more I was really tired these nights. And he had even marked the scriptures that he liked, and the ones he didn´t like so much jaja. That to me is like a wow, I need to step up. There is a lot of things we do everyday and sometimes it feels like oh I don´t have time but just remember what a little 5 minute time to read can do. You could recieve exaclty what you need to know to help someone else that day. Or at least you could show your love a su Padre Celestial. Today I would like to challenge you to take that little extra time to read and do it. and Then see what revelation you recieve. ¿Leerán las escrituras cada día? SÍ!!!!! Woohoo! I know that there are soo many great things waiting for you as you keep the commandments.
Los amo mucho!
Hna Milligan
Week 23: A Trip to Quito, Growing As Companions, and Alma 7 Challenge
Hola familia mia! Le amo bastante! Today we have our Christmas dinner in Quito and I only have un ratito para escribir. I just want to let you know that I love you all and that everything is great! As compaions we are growing more and more and we are learning sooooooooooooooooo much. I don´t have time to say much just know that I love you all and that Christmas time is here it is sooo beautiful! The scripture I want to leave with you is Alma 7 all of it. I have been really studding this and want to share it with you. Will you all read this and send me the impressions that come to you?
Love you,
Hermana Milligan
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Week 22: 5 Months Down, It Helps To Forget, We Need The "Furious Winds"
Feliz cumple mes a mi
Today is my 5 month mark. Wow, I can barely believe it. Yo he estado en el campo por 5 meses! Que loco! The time goes by sooooo freakin´ fast, there is a small part of me that is like woot I can see my family soon, but more prodmanetly it is "Ahhh I don´t have enough time to help all these people! maybe I can get an extension..." I love the mission soo much, in just these 5 short months I have learned soo much about myself and even more about the love of Christ. I trully have seen miracles every day. One of such is that I have forgotten a lot about how things used to be back home, don´t take that wrong. It really is a great blessing that I don´t remember how things are, I had even forgotten when was Thanksgiving ( I was reminded by a fellow United Statesian) It helps to not feel super trunky. And you know I´m glad that it isn´t really similar to home here for Christmas it is easier to not feel sad. Jaja.
This sunday was fast sunday as you all know and as companions we decided to fast to find a family. We started our fast and headed out to work. Right now we are in search of less-actives, but the problem is that direccions don´t really exist here, but somehow we find them, I like to think that it is my gift with directions that helps us. But we were on the hunt for this one less active family and we had a small idea but not certain. We took one street, that just so happened to be the wrong street but there we found this young woman and it turns out that she just got married and is expecting. We found a family. She is wonderful. Now we just need to find her with her husband.... It´s gunna happen.
Also this fast sunday I fasted that our investigators would come to church. We headed out to pick up the people who we said we would and when none of them were there, I was feeling pretty down. So we head to the chappel and right before they pass the sacrament, Nancy sits next to us (she is the one who just got baptised and she told us that she wouldn´t be able to make it this sunday) BUT SHE CAME!!! And then Maria and Mariana came in they are family members of a family reciently baptized and we are teaching them. It was like the best Thanksgiving ever! My testimony of fasting has been fortalized.
Now I would like to talk a little bit with regards to the Work of Salvation. First, this is nothing new, or it shouldn´t be something new it really is just what we as members should be doing anyway. It is just keeping up with your baptismal covenents. For those of you who don´t know the work of Salvation is to help strengthen the members, recient converts and continue inviting and helping non members come unto Christ. With a focus on the members and the missionaries working together to do this. There is so much I would like to say but one so much time. I would like to challenge you all to step up to your potential and do your part in the work. and if you don´t know what is the Work of Salvation, look it up and see what you can do. It is really something great and I can promise you that as you help others you will feel better, your problems will seem smaller and you will feel more strength to overcome challenges. And remember Moises 1:39. When you help others come unto Christ you are helping your Father in Heaven with His work and His glory.
Scripture for the week. Ether 6:5. We need the "furious winds" to help push us to where the Lords needs us to be. And remember that the wind is sent from God and He knows where we are heading even if we don´t. Trust in Him and know that He will always lead you to where you need to be and what you need to become what He seens in you.
I love you all soooo much I can´t even express the smallest part of it. I am sooo grateful to know you all. Please keep me posted and REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!
Les amo mucho,
Hermana Milligan
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Week 21: A Friendly Reminder, Better Off Dead, Another Baptism
Que vuela el tiempo
Buenas tardes mis queridos hermanos y hermanas!
I hope everything is well in Los estados unidos. I hope you all are keeping up on your scripture study and prayers as well as attending church. These things really REALLY help in everyday happenings. They may sound like the "primary answeres" but they are trully the foundation for our testimony and we can recieve strength in everything that we do with these little things.Your Father in Heaven loves you and wants to bless you, and we recive blessing when we are obedient. Entonces,will you continue doing those things in order to recieve this strength? Reading the scriptures? Praying? Attending church? I can promise you that there is power in the scriptures and that as you continue praying your eyes will be opened to the blessing the Lord has blessed you with and that He will continue to bless you with. And that as you continue going to church you will be able to be more receptive to the promptings of the spirit in your life. I know this is true not just because I have been taught this but because I have experienced this. God is my loving Heavenly Father and He knows what I need and what others need as we continue being obedient he can bless you and you will feel His love more.
Something funny that happened this week.
As we were getting off the bus there was this small child on a bike and as we passed him all he said was "two dollars" in english as well. It made me think of Better off Dead and the paper boy. But it was also soo random that i couldn´t help but laugh anyway. But it made me think of you Daddy and this movie. it was a good laugh. Another movie connection in real life. We have this one investigator who is really attatched to his bible, I think he has like 20 or something but we were in one lección and he turns to me and asks if he can see my bible, sure why not. He looks it over front and back looks at me and says this is a good bible. It reminded me so much of Nicholas Nickleby (if you don´t know it, look it up, it´s a good ´un) with the door. It took everything in my not to laugh.
This is a fruit here that is really wierd
but strangly enough I like it
(A type of Passion fruit)
This past wednesday we had a baptism. For Nancy. She is seriously fantastic, she is so intune to the Spirit. She is a sure sign that the Lord is preparing people for us to find. I don´t know who learned more, her or me. She is such an example of the believers. It is such a humbling experience to be able to work with her and teach her. I have learned soo much from her and I know that she will do great things in the gospel.
Quiero que ustedes sepan que su Padre Celestial les ama y que todas las cosas que Él les ha dado, cada dificultad, cada día feliz, es para su beneficio. Y es por obediencia a las leyes de Dios que podamos recibir bendiciones, y últimamente ser felices. DyC 93:28.
He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things. D&C 93:28
Cuídense mucho!
Tengan una bonita semana!
Hermana Milligan
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Week 20: An Early Day Of Thanksgiving, What Not To Say, And The Process of Learning Patience
Okay I really don´t know how to write in spanish but somehow I can speak it. It really is a great blessing to have the Spirit guide me in what to say, most of the time I just open my mouth and words come out. I am so grateful for all of your prayers for me and I hope you all know that I am praying for you too!
Today we had Thanksgiving zona oriente (that´s my zone just so ya know) style. We had a great turkey bowl of ultimate frizbee ( I almost took out our zone leader going for the frizbee....yeah just know that it was not on purpose) Then we ate mashed potatoes and chicken with deviled eggs (I am losing the ability to spell) and a lot of deserts. It was great! So much fun! I know it is a bit early but it was so much fun anyway.
This week we have another baptism! Her name is Nancy and she is so awesome! She has been such a great light for us and she understands soo much, it is obvious that she has been prepared for this gospel. She has a little girl and she is soo funny, a handful but so funny, she kinda reminds me of Natalie. Hna. Negro is great, she is starting to get used to Ecuador, and her accent is starting to stick to me. I don´t really know how to describe the Argentiean accent (ask aunt Jodi) but it is different. We have had some fun with the change of words here. Words that are bad in Argentina are used regularly here and words that are normal in Argentina are bad here and it makes me laugh. I probably shouldn´t laugh but I do. Jaja.
Spiritual thought for the week: Patience.
Matt has been asking for a picture of a frog. Unfortunately the first frog spotted was a dead frog. |
So, I was going through some hard times last week. And I decided to take the little attributes of Christ test in Preach my Gospel. And I found out that I was lacking in Patience. So I went to work, studying and pryaing for patience. What I found: Patience means the ability to face adversity calmly and hopefully, trusting in the Lord and HIS timing, knowing that everything will be okay. Then I went to work. What did I need to change to have more patience. First my heart. Replacing my negative feelings with singing a hymn or contacting\talking with others. Next my mind, I had to change my thoughts and to do that I decided to count my blessings everytime a negative thought decided to try and find room in my mind. This lead to my actions, instead of a look of concern or worry I decided to smile and do something more than just think. I found that this really helped me to change my attitude to one of gratitude and thus one of more patience. As I replace things that were making it hard to be patient with more positive uplifting things I feel better. I would like to challenge you all to take this into practice, don´t just say you are going to change something but actually do it, by replacing those things that are holding you back in your heart, mind, and actions. Repentance is real, The Savior is real. You don´t have to have a big sin in order to feel the healing power of the Atonement you just need to accept what has already been given to you and you can do that by repenting, or in other words changing, changing those things that are not in harmony with the teachings of Christ. Negative self thoughts, anger, frustration with yourself, yep those are contrary to what Christ thaught. The amazing thing is that these things that feel like they are only part of you or your flaws. well let me tell ya, they don´t have to be "your flaws" they can become your strengths. Your Father in Heaven Loves YOU. I love you and hope that you all have a great week filled with spiritual experiences.
Les amo!
Hermana Milligan
Monday, November 11, 2013
Week 19: No More Newby, Lost And Found, A Personal Note To Daddy :)
Hola mis quierdas hermanos y hermanas!
This is my weekly report on the goings here in Baños. This is my 3rd transfer! Woohoo! I made it though 12 semanas y now I am out of the ranks of newb. But in all honesty I think I have learned more this past week than I did in the past 12 weeks. My new compañera se llama Hna Negro ella es de Argentina y tiene 23 años. She is great! I think of her as my 23 year old Argentinean twin, except we look nothing alike and she is, you know from Argentina. But in all honesty we are really similar, which sometimes makes things hard because we have similar debilidades but with this I have already learned sooooooo much. Hna Aldás really was like my mom (in the mission she is my momi) and I was like a child. I am still like a child but now it is more like we are both in this growing and learning field together. And we are both learning and growing BASTANTE.there at that time. She let us in and we were able to teach her with her daughter it was a really neat experience.
Hhn Milligan
This was an excerpt from my personal letter from Lauree this week.
Daddy, even though we so far apart you some how know just what to say in your status updates that just help me in just the right way. Inspiration. :) Daddy I love you soo much...
...Oh this is a bit random but on the way to one of our sectors we pass by 5 big waterfalls and that isn´t counting the little ones on the side of the road. Just to make your photographer mouth water :P This place is soo pretty but it isn´t very friendly to those nice big fancy, expensive cameras. Jaja. Daddy I love you soo much. I think I shared this scripture last week but I would like to share it with you with a bit more detail. Romans 8:16-17 it says that the Spirit testifies that we are Children of God and that we are joint heirs to the Kingdom with Christ. I just want to say that everytime you remind Spencer and Matt and for everytime you reminded me to "Remember who you are" you in all honesty were speaking the truth and as such the Spirit can then testify through you. I don´t really know how to explain myself any better but I just want you to know that I am grateful that you would say that to me all the time and that you live worthy to hold the priesthood to bless your family. Daddy, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!
...Oh this is a bit random but on the way to one of our sectors we pass by 5 big waterfalls and that isn´t counting the little ones on the side of the road. Just to make your photographer mouth water :P This place is soo pretty but it isn´t very friendly to those nice big fancy, expensive cameras. Jaja. Daddy I love you soo much. I think I shared this scripture last week but I would like to share it with you with a bit more detail. Romans 8:16-17 it says that the Spirit testifies that we are Children of God and that we are joint heirs to the Kingdom with Christ. I just want to say that everytime you remind Spencer and Matt and for everytime you reminded me to "Remember who you are" you in all honesty were speaking the truth and as such the Spirit can then testify through you. I don´t really know how to explain myself any better but I just want you to know that I am grateful that you would say that to me all the time and that you live worthy to hold the priesthood to bless your family. Daddy, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!
Tu hija,
LaureeWeek 18: Cambios!!! Sis Aldas Got Her Visa...
Okay voy a escribir más later don´t worry. But today is cambios and Hermana Aldás has her visa and is leaving today and I am going to cry. I´m going to stay here and it is going to be an adventrue... I love you soooooo much and am grateful for all you do for me for your support and todo! Les amo.
Well I don´t have time like I thought I would. But I just want to let everyone know that all is well. And I will be getting a new compañera and we will be in Baños still. Gracias por su apoyo. Y por favor sepan que les amo mucho! Escritura Romans 8:16 I think that this is the escritura it is about how we are children of God. Remember this. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
Hermana Milligan
Well I don´t have time like I thought I would. But I just want to let everyone know that all is well. And I will be getting a new compañera and we will be in Baños still. Gracias por su apoyo. Y por favor sepan que les amo mucho! Escritura Romans 8:16 I think that this is the escritura it is about how we are children of God. Remember this. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
Les amo,
Hermana Milligan
Monday, October 28, 2013
Week 17: The 3 Miracles, Specific Prayers, 5 Steps In The Plan of Happiness
I want to say thank you for your support and for writing me and for your love. I am really grateful that I have such wonderful people in my life and for the encouragement and example you have given me. Gracias. Y también puedan enviar cartas por pouch..... Every Monday they send out the pouch so if you get the letter in to the church offices before then I can get it fairly soon. Jajaja. I am so grateful for all the support you give me though in all honesty it is just what I need every week. I don´t know how that happens but every week I have some sort of struggle and I can find an answer in something that someone has sent me. Thank you for being an answer to my prayers and for being in tune to the Sprirt in order to be an answer to my prayers.
This week has been a great big emotional rollercoaster. Again I had a whole bunch of bug bites that had again become infected and my foot was swollen again. I was scared that I would have to take another three days off and I didn´t want that for anthing. So I did the only thing I could. I prayed. Specifically. There is such power in specific prayer. I prayed that in the morning my foot would be better and I would be able to go to work without problems. Then next day my foot wasn´t completely healed but the swelling had gone down and I could walk on it just fine. It is true that we don´t recieve a testimony till after the trial of our faith. I had a testimony of prayer before but it was strengthened as I acted on what I believed; that my Father in Heaven could heal me. And so I asked, and I was blessed. That is one miracle.
Second, we have a baptism this thrusday. For a young man se llama Oscar. He is awesome! Hna. Aldás had contacted him before I came but because of complications had lost contact with him for some time. It wasn´t till a little before my first transfer (semana 4 o 5) that we started to vistit with him again. Last night he told us that before he met the missionaries he had been looking for a church to join but he didn´t know which one was the true church and didn´t want to just join any church. And he knows know that this is the Lord´s true chruch. I am really grateful for him. He has been through a lot. But he still goes about life with a smile and a good attitude. It is so wonderful to see people as they grow in light and knowledge of the truth.
Mi pensamiento espiritual por la semana (My spiritual thought for the week):
El Evangelio de Jesucristo o en ingles The Gospel of Christ. Okay I know that seems like cheating because that encompases everything. But I have come to understand this a lot better. In all honesty before the mission and even in the MTC I didn´t really know that Gospel of Christ was. (I can only say this now because you can´t see my face turn red). In my search to understand this better I truned to the Bible Dictionary. in the Definition of GOSPEL dice que gospel means good news; good news that Christ has made a perfect atonement for all of mankind. That through Him all will be saved from the grave and all will recieve a reward according to their actions in this life. But more speicifically the Gospel of Christ is 5 steps that with and through Christ we can become like Him and live in the pesence of our Loving Father in Heaven.
1. Faith in Jesus Christ
2. Repentance
3. Baptism by those who are in authority
4. Recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost
5. Endure to the end
This is the Great Plan of Happiness. This is the only path that leades to Eternal Life. It is through our Redeemer and Brother Jesucristo that we can returne to life with God. We always present this as our central message. That today because God loves us we have a living prophet to guide us and help us. Through the prophet Joseph Smith we have the fullness of the Gospel of Christ. I know that this is true. I also know that I have so much more to learn. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and that He lives. He live so that I can live again. He suffered all of my pains and insecurities todo. He knows what I need when I need it and He gives me guidance through promptings of the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for this knowledge. In the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Con cariño,
Hermana Milligan
Monday, October 21, 2013
Week 16: Too Much Food, A Good Laugh, And God Knows What You Need
Due to volcanic activity President Ghent told them to wear these masks. |
Today I am going to be focusing on more personal letters for my family and they can then decide what they want to share with everyone. But I want to leave you with one funny experience and one spiritual with a challenge.
Funny experience:
So, one day we were in one of our sectores that is really far and we don´t get to visit very much. But for some reason or another EVERYONE decided to give us food. All sorts of different food. And it just so happens that it is a mission rule that we cannot turn down food. Also it is a sign that the people are really comfortable with us and all in all it is a very good sign if the people give us food (I think I have gained 10 lbs.) But one of the sweet old ladies gave us milk fresh from the cow. remember "Los gringos son bien delicados"? Yeah. Well I couldn´t stomach it. Needless to say it wasn´t a pretty picture. But the worst part is that I threw up in front of the house of a family that we were teaching. So yeah that happened and I thought nothing of it untill we go back to that area and we were back at that same family and at the end of the lección they tell me that they thought I was pregnant. Okay I know I have gained weight but ¡Ay caria! En serio. Hahaha it made me laugh so much.
Pensamiento Espiritual:
So this week has been great! Rough but great. One day that was a bit harder that others and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything I opened the scriptures and encontré 3 Nefi 13: 32-33. Verse 32 says that God knows what you need. And verse 33 says "first seek the Kingdom of God....and all things will be added unto you." I was told somewhere that when we pray we are speaking to our Father in Heaven and when we read the scriptures is when Our Father can talk to us.Yo puedo testificar con todo certeza de mi corazón que en este tiempo mi Padre Celestial estuvo hablando a mi. This gave me such peace. I want to challenge you all to remember the scriptures and the value they have. And then think of your friends who don´t have this valuble gift and you don´t have to give them a Book of Mormon unless you feel so prompted but think of how much The Book of Mormon has helped you in your life and share an experience with someone today. Share a scripture with your mom, your dad, brother or sister, friend you know just anyone and then share how this scripture has helped you.
Con mucho cariño y oracion,
Les amo mucho,
Hermana Milligan
Happy Halloween!... Creepy monkey |
Matt keeps asking Lauree to get him a picture of a frog. She hasn't seen one yet so she sent him this picture to satisfy him until she could find a frog. haha |
This is a bird that was at the zoo. Lauree said this was one of her favorites. |
Monday, October 14, 2013
Week 15: The Mountain Rumbles, Thank you all, and Living in Paradise
Mí pensamiento de hoy: DyC 138: 29-33
These versículos are about the spirit world and how it is a time that those who are in spirit paradise are teaching those in spirit prision the gospel. And it got me to thinking that. If we live our lives right and accept the gospel of Christ we will be able to beinparadise, a place of rest, a place of joy. And in this place of paradise we will be doing missionary work! So in a very real sence I am in paradise right now. No, I am not dead. But I am doing the Lord´s work and that for now is enough of paradise for me. Find your own paradise in this world by helping others.
DyC 123: 16-17
Espero que todo este bien con ustedes! Les amo muchísimo y siempre yo oro por ustedes. Por favor recuerde quien son ustedes. Un hijo de Dios con potencial divino.
"Dios no nos prometió días sin dolor, risas sin tristeza, sol sin lluvia, pero Él sí prometió fuerzas para cada día, consuelo para las lágrimas y luz para el camino"
Cuídense mucho!
Hermana Milligan
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Week 14: Bugs Of The Orient, Delicate Gringos, Takes Faith To Gain Faith
¿Como estado? Me encanta escuchar a su trabaja con los misioneros! Me pone muy feliz!
Here are the hemanas de Baños! Hermana Jones is the blonde and Hermana Rivera is the brunette |
Well this week was quite the adventure. Our area is in part of the orient and as such there are a lot of bugs. Like a lot! I got a bug bit the other week and it itched so I itched it and thought nothing of it untill my ankle began to swell up. And it turns out that the mosquitos here have different bacteria and when "los gringos" scratch it can cause an infection. I can´t tell you how often I heard something along the lines of "los gringos son bien delicados" Jaja. Que bueno. Also because of the increase of missionaries they are adding another area to Baños this next transfer. It is so needed. Our area is so spread out it is hard to visit everyone. But it makes me so happy to hear about the growth of missionary work and of member missionary work especially. I love love love conference. It was a spiritual feast and my spirit still wants more jaja. We had to travel to the stake center in Ambato and sad to say that the family from last week, weren´t able to make it. Their youngest got sick. :( But There was such a surprise in Ambato, Hermana Carter! My airport buddy! She got trasfered to Ambato and it was sooo great to see her. Because there are so many of us non native spanish speakers they had conference in english for us. Which was a blessing, even though I was prepared to listen in spanish, it was great to understand what was being said and not only relying on the feelings that came. But in all honesty I do believe I am getting better with spanish. It is a step by step process. And I had to tell Hna. Aldás to stop trying to understand me and straight up say that what I´m saying doesn´t make any sense. Jaja she has the gift of translation I am sure. She can tell what I´m trying to say when no one else can.
Espiritual Pensamiento de la semana: Tenga fé
I know it is said over and over but I want to emphasise the importance of faith. It is with faith that we pray, it is also with faith that we recieve answeres. I loved the talk given by Elder Bednar it was seariously one of my favorites. It is with faith that we are able to see those significant but subtle blessings that come as we keep the commandments of our Father in Heaven. Something that really stood out to me during conference was that we
HAVE to exercize faith in order to have faith in the first place. The greatest blessings come after the act of faith. Here is is really hard to help the people understand the importance of keeping the sabath day holy but it really struck me that when we act on what we have learned then is when we gain a testimony, I need to take this and use it to help our investigators. And it takes faith in order to act on what we have learned. It is all one big cycle, I know I didn´t explain it very well. But any who I hope everyone takes what they learned in General Conference and applies it. Whatever it may be that you learned HAGALO! (That´s what I tell Hna. Aldás when she can´t make up her mind if she wants to buy candy or not) Go forth and be conquerers in the Lord. Go for walking in faith. Letting the light of Crist shine in you be a guide for those around you who are stumbling.
HAVE to exercize faith in order to have faith in the first place. The greatest blessings come after the act of faith. Here is is really hard to help the people understand the importance of keeping the sabath day holy but it really struck me that when we act on what we have learned then is when we gain a testimony, I need to take this and use it to help our investigators. And it takes faith in order to act on what we have learned. It is all one big cycle, I know I didn´t explain it very well. But any who I hope everyone takes what they learned in General Conference and applies it. Whatever it may be that you learned HAGALO! (That´s what I tell Hna. Aldás when she can´t make up her mind if she wants to buy candy or not) Go forth and be conquerers in the Lord. Go for walking in faith. Letting the light of Crist shine in you be a guide for those around you who are stumbling.
I love you all and am soooooo happy to hear about Amber and Eric´s date for the temple! Such wonderful news! I was practically dancing when I read that.
I know that the Lord is watching out for you (DyC 100:1) That verse has brought me lots of peace in this time. Please give grandma Davis a hug from me and tell her that I love her.
Les amo,
Monday, September 30, 2013
Week 13: Menos Activos, Don't Say I Told You So, Follow The Lord To The More Fertile Parts
Wow! Things are going so well, things are really starting to pick up here in good ´ol Baños! We are finding menos activos all over the place and relatives of members, which is great. Today we went to buy ice cream and the lady working there is a member but menos activo. She recognized us with our tags and everything it was really awesome. And last night we were returing to our house when this cute little old man comes up to us and shakes our hand and we begin to introduce ourselves and he explains that his son is a member turns out his son is the branch mission leader! There are people every were who are being prepared for this gospel. It is such a beautiful thing. Makes me all happy inside.
Ayer, tuvimos 6 investigadores en la capilla!! Woot! It was such a miracle. One family and two others. It was simply amazing! Nancy came she is such a sweet heart. We have been teaching her for the whole time I have been here and she doesn´t have a desire to be baptised but she is doing everything. She even came to church yesterday even though her knees have really been hurting her, but she came. She understands that in order to recieve blessings you need to keep the commandments. But she still needs to understand the importance of the priesthood. She recieved a priesthood blessing for salud ayer, espero que le ayude understand the importance of the priesthood. Family Portilla, they are amazing! The only problem is that they need to get married. Carlos y Veronica, they have three boys and they are soo cute and smart! We had a tour of the capilla with them and before we talked about bautismo as anything other than bautismo he said "yo quiero seguir el camino de Jesucristo" wow. Did I mention this kid is 10. The parents know that in the world there are not very good examples and they want more for their children. They stayed for all of church! Not just sacrament! And they want to come for General Conference! And then there is José, he is the brother of Carlos and he is 19, it was so great that he came becuase he we tried to visit him but he had his friends around and didn´t want anything to do with us. But it was quite a surprise when he came. Hna. Aldás y yo hemos trabajado muy duro these past 7 weeks. And it is such a blessing.
Speaking of blessings. It is so strange but the food that I normally don´t like I can eat just fine here. I don´t know, it is strange. Por ejemplo, rasins. I like this brand of granola that has raisins and I don´t know I just got lazy one day I didn´t want to take out the raisins and they tasted good...Now I don´t want to hear I told you so. The food is different here and it tastes better... jaja. And mayo.. they put it on the french fries and I eat it. Also bananas, I like them quite a is strange oh and hot dogs. I don´t necessarly like those but I´ll eat them. It is quite strange indeed. But one thing I am not used to is partially cooked eggs. That still gets me. Jaja.
Mi pensamiento por la semana: 1 Nefi 16:16
In this verse Nefi y su familia are guided to the "more fertile" parts of the wilderness with the lehona (no sé como escribir en ninguno idioma). Following the Lord´s plan doesn´t mean that everything will be easy and it doesn´t mean that everything that happens will be good. Nefi had many trials, his family was living in the wilderness things were not peaches and cream. But because they followed the counsel of the Lord there were guided to the "more fertile" parts. Just like Nefi, if you follow the counsel of the Lord, you will be guided to the better in your life. I know that it isn´t always easy to be obiedient, some days I want to sleep in or wear pants but I know that the Lord´s ways are not my ways and if I follow along the Lord´s path I will be lead to those people who are waiting for this marvilous, fantastic, life changing message. Go forth with faith knowing that as you choose the right your Father in Heaven will guide you to where you need to go! And help others find this message too! when members give referals it is so much more effective. I challenge you this week to give the missionaries referals and just see what happens. So, will you think of someone who doesn´t have this gospel and give their name to the missionaries this week? I want to hear about how it goes. Por favor write me and tell me about the experience.
Con mucho cariño,
Hermana Milligan
P.s This past week we met someone from the U.S who is living here and it was so hard to speak english! There are somethings that are in my head as spanish and I can´t think of some words in english! Woot! This makes me happy. Just wanted to share that with you. :D
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Week 12: No Change, Hard Work Rewarded, Was Understood, And Answers To Mommy
Y todavía estoy en Baños y todavía con Hna. Aldás! Woot!!!! I am sooo incredibly grateful for this. Because we finaly got things going in our area and FINALY have investigators who are progressing. It only took 6 weeks. But all our hard work is starting to pay off. This sunday we had 4 investigators attend sacrament meeting! I know it is a small number but it is quite a change from the 1 we had all the other weeks. This week has been quite a blessing! We have found some really great people but it has also been really challenging. We have this one investigator and she is 19 and has the cutest little boy. She also has had a horrible life. It is so sad to hear what she has been through. But she has such a strong desire to change and help her son have a better life. It is so amazing to see her push through all that has happened to her and want to change. In one of her prayers at the end of a lección she wanted to be baptized and after she asked what she had to do in order to be baptized. Wow. She is so strong. We are working really hard to help her.
Tambien this sunday I gave a talk. And of course it had to be the day that our little branch, that usually has maybe 30 people, was FULL. Like 100 (or maybe 80) people full. Yeah. I was so nervous. But thankfully Hna. Jones took a lot of time and I only needed to speak for 5 minutes. Jaja. And of course after my talk I was reminded of all the things I could do better. Oh and did I mention that I only had like 12 hours notice. Yeah. It was great. But the best compliment ever came from one of the members and she said that she could understand the whole thing! Woot! I was so happy to hear that. It has been one of my struggles not so much to speak but to speak something that can be understood.
Thought for the week comes from 2 Nefi 32:1-5. In versículo 2 dice que if you have recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost you can speak with the tongue of angels. En versículo 3, angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost because they TESTIFY OF CHRIST. Y en Alma 13:24 it says that The Lord has sent angels to prepare people for the work. In other words those of you who have recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost (all members) are sent to prepare those around you to recieve the gospel. Missionaries can do a lot to progress the work of the Lord but members can do soo much more. References and helping the missionaries teach lessions are fantastic! But the best thing to do is just share your testimony with your neighbors, friends, coworkers. Set the example or in other words plant the seed. You don´t need to be a missionary with a name badge to help someone accept the gospel and come to Christ. I love you all soo much and am so grateful for your letters and support. I love hearing about the missionary work my family is doing. It makes my heart all happy and light. I know that there are so many blessings that come from opening your mouth and speaking those feelings of the Spirit.
Les amo muchísimo,
Hermana Milligan
Les amo muchísimo,
Hermana Milligan
Letter to Mommy
Haha Mommy it is either a weekly update or answer to all your questions haha. No, I will try and answer all your questions as best I can. First things first. I ABSOLULTLY LOVE LOVE LOVE your letters they are perfect. It means so much that you write me at all. I know how hard it is for you to write and feel good about what you write and so anything at all is wonderful wonderful wonderful. But that doesn´t mean you can write less now. Haha I love you so much and I miss your hungs and talking to you about how I feel, but rest asured I don´t build up the tears here. I am like a fountan without an off switch. Poor Hna. Aldás she doesn´t know what to do with me sometimes. Haha.
Speaking of Hna. Aldás. She is great she is a convert. Her mom came to know the church when she (hna. Aldás) was 8 and she was baptized then too. Her family writes her and are supportive. They are having some struggles right now but they are supportive. Her grandma passed away this past week. But Hna Aldás is so strong and it is so hard but she is doing her best to be in good cheer. She is really outgoing and friendly and she likes to be punctual. Haha I need to work on liking that. I think we get along really well. I mean there is still a language barrier and sometimes I feel bad because she has the same desire to be understood that I do and sometimes I just can´t be that person she can talk to. and that is hard. But she is great great all the way around. I love her so much and am soo glad she is my compañera. To be honest about the location of Baños I have no idea. I think it is twoards the bottom but I am not so sure.
Con recipes just anything from scratch will do and without the oven. (because we don´t have an oven) As of right now I eat cearal con yogurt with fruit for breakfast and dinner. I love it though so don´t be worried. I just want to be able to contribute more for food wise. And yes I have been eating bananas it is a crazy miracle that has happened here. I like things that I didn´t like before and one miracle in particular there is this fruit here that tastes like honey dew and I can eat it!!!! Woot it is quite amazing! I am doing fine with money. Everything here is really cheep like a dosen bananas for a dollar or a pound of rasberries for a dollar. The blankets ar great they keep me nice and warm I have like 5 though.... jajaja When it comes to the shoes my favorite are my boots the other ones are okay but I always roll my ankle with them and I like my boots because I feel like it is a protection against dogs jaja. And cloths I wish I had brought more things for cold weather. More sweaters. but all in all it is fine.
I love your hair super cute!! Joel did a good job. Please give grandma Davis a big hug from me and send my love. oh and Hna. Aldás send her love and greatings. Good luck for the 5 K you will do great! Love you soooooooo much
Have Spencer give you a hug from me and give one to daddy and Matt
Tu hija,
hermana Milligan
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