Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week 65: Transfers In Comes Hermana Redondo, General Conference, Much Gratitude For The Blessings Of The Gospel...

Buenas tardes a todos!

Well just to say the least transfers have come and Hna Negro left. And now I am with Hna Redondo, she is from Honduras. She has soooo much energy, I love it! she will be a good reminder in these last couple months and a good help along the way. I feel that good things are in store, we are going to see a lot of external miracles! Woohoo!

Wow, this General Conference was amazing!!!!! I LOVED the talks in their native language, that was one of the most amazing things ever! And it was a blessing to be able to hear it in spanish as well. I love it! 2 Nefi 31:3. The Spirit was felt very strongly. It was fantastic!
So the past week we had a family that just showed up at the church just because they wanted to and well they loved it and want to keep going. They are great! I love them so much even after just one lesson with them. The only problem, they live outside of the sector, by a lot. So well, we just have to pass on the reference, but I know that the power of the Spirit to guide those who are trully searching for the truth is so strong that they cannot or will not say no to the promptings that they are given. This family is waiting to buy a house in our sector so a few prayers for that would be really appreciated or that they can continue recieveing the missionaries for where they live.... :) I love this Gospel sooo much and I am forever grateful for the blessings that I have recieved, the miracles I have seen, and the changes I have experienced. I know that my Savior lives and that He loves you! That´s right you! What things has He given you, that show you He loves you? What are you going to do to show your love to Him?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!
Les amo mucho!!
Hna Milligan