Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Week 25: Feliz Navidad From Middle Earth Otherwise known as Ecuador ;)

WOW! Can you believe that tomorrow is Christmas! And we get to talk via Skype? I can´t really believe how fast the time is going. I think I´m still in shock from the first day in the mission till now. It´s just flown by.
Well I came to Ambato and had my first baptism in the sector this Saturday. He is a great example of faith, even with a lot of oposition he did everything possible to prepare for baptism. His name is Anibal, and he is great.
So, I was expecting Christmas here to see the different traditions that they had, and so far there isn´t much different here during Navidad. They have a lot of goody bags though. It´s pretty fun to see what you get in those. For Christmas tomorrow we are making a ricisimo american like Christmas dinner for a family of some conversos reciente. Today we made the mashed potatoes and they are sooooo yummy if I do say so myself, and we made a lot. Hopefully we have leftovers jaja.
Well, this being the eve of Christmas day, I would like to share a scripture. Acts 3:1-8. In these scriptures Peter and John heal a man lame from birth. This man was on the steps of the temple and he looked at Peter and John only expecting a few coins. But what they say is what really struck me, they say "silver and gold we have not, but what we have we give. In the name of Jesus Christ...Rise up and walk." And then the man with their help recieves strength in his legs and leaps up and walks into the temple with them. During this Christmas season, not everyone has much in the way of "things" but what we do have, the knowledge of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, can be just what those around you need to leap up and walk. It is for this that Christ came down to the world in the most humble of circumstances to lift those who had fallen. We can really feel the Spirit of Christmas as we reach out to those around us and really do what the Savior would do-lift up others. That is my challenge for you. Go about this next day and share what you have with others to lift them up. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Les amo mucho,
Hna Milligan

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