Okay I really don´t know how to write in spanish but somehow I can speak it. It really is a great blessing to have the Spirit guide me in what to say, most of the time I just open my mouth and words come out. I am so grateful for all of your prayers for me and I hope you all know that I am praying for you too!
Today we had Thanksgiving zona oriente (that´s my zone just so ya know) style. We had a great turkey bowl of ultimate frizbee ( I almost took out our zone leader going for the frizbee....yeah just know that it was not on purpose) Then we ate mashed potatoes and chicken with deviled eggs (I am losing the ability to spell) and a lot of deserts. It was great! So much fun! I know it is a bit early but it was so much fun anyway.
This week we have another baptism! Her name is Nancy and she is so awesome! She has been such a great light for us and she understands soo much, it is obvious that she has been prepared for this gospel. She has a little girl and she is soo funny, a handful but so funny, she kinda reminds me of Natalie. Hna. Negro is great, she is starting to get used to Ecuador, and her accent is starting to stick to me. I don´t really know how to describe the Argentiean accent (ask aunt Jodi) but it is different. We have had some fun with the change of words here. Words that are bad in Argentina are used regularly here and words that are normal in Argentina are bad here and it makes me laugh. I probably shouldn´t laugh but I do. Jaja.
Spiritual thought for the week: Patience.
Matt has been asking for a picture of a frog. Unfortunately the first frog spotted was a dead frog. |
So, I was going through some hard times last week. And I decided to take the little attributes of Christ test in Preach my Gospel. And I found out that I was lacking in Patience. So I went to work, studying and pryaing for patience. What I found: Patience means the ability to face adversity calmly and hopefully, trusting in the Lord and HIS timing, knowing that everything will be okay. Then I went to work. What did I need to change to have more patience. First my heart. Replacing my negative feelings with singing a hymn or contacting\talking with others. Next my mind, I had to change my thoughts and to do that I decided to count my blessings everytime a negative thought decided to try and find room in my mind. This lead to my actions, instead of a look of concern or worry I decided to smile and do something more than just think. I found that this really helped me to change my attitude to one of gratitude and thus one of more patience. As I replace things that were making it hard to be patient with more positive uplifting things I feel better. I would like to challenge you all to take this into practice, don´t just say you are going to change something but actually do it, by replacing those things that are holding you back in your heart, mind, and actions. Repentance is real, The Savior is real. You don´t have to have a big sin in order to feel the healing power of the Atonement you just need to accept what has already been given to you and you can do that by repenting, or in other words changing, changing those things that are not in harmony with the teachings of Christ. Negative self thoughts, anger, frustration with yourself, yep those are contrary to what Christ thaught. The amazing thing is that these things that feel like they are only part of you or your flaws. well let me tell ya, they don´t have to be "your flaws" they can become your strengths. Your Father in Heaven Loves YOU. I love you and hope that you all have a great week filled with spiritual experiences.
Les amo!
Hermana Milligan
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