Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 30: Unexpected Changes...Again, Christmas Has Arrived, And How Is Your Challenge Going


Bueno, my packet finally arrived!! I am soooo happy!!! THANK YOU! And so have transfers, I am now in Turubamba with Hna. Rivera who is also from my group Woot!! She was also with me in BaƱos we were there for the same time and she is AMAZING!!!!! I know we are going to baptize FULL here. It is going to be great!!! I am soo excited. Bueno, I am also sad because I was only companions with Hna. Hamilton for 2 and a half weeks and we got along REALLY well. But I was starting to loose my spanish a lot jaja... no that´s not funny but it was true. I´m ging to miss her a lot. It was kind of funny the transfers were coming up and she was telling everyone "oh me voy, me voy" . Telling everyone that she was leaving, because it was almost certain that I was going to stay because I was only there for 2 weeks. But then we get the news of cambios and bueno, I am here in Turubamba. I can still hardly believe it because I was just starting to get to know everyone in my sector and the members are amazing and I am going to miss them sooo much. But don´t get me wrong I am going to love it here. I really like being in Quito, it is a little dirty but I love it here. What part of Quito is the Family Medina from? As I´m starting to get to know Ecuador more and more I think about the people I know who are from here and I wonder what part they are from.

This transfer has been one of the crazies transfers EVER. So I started out with Hna. Carter I was with her in Ambato for 2 weeks and then we bolth went to Quito to stay with the mission nurse and I was there for a week and a half working with the companion of the nurse (Hna. Martin) then I went to Chillogallo por como 2 and a half weeks con Hna. Hamilton. Needless to say it was crazy, I had almost 3 companions in one transfer. ¡Que loco! Things are going to mellow out (I hope).
I want to thank everyone for sending Christmas cards it has really been such a great little pick me up and I love hearing how everyone is doing and it just makes me really happy. I hope you all know that you all mean so much to me in this journey and your encouragement has helped me in ways that you cannot understand. Les doy gracias por todo. Sigan haciendo lo bueno!
And I want to hear how the challenge that I left with you went. Did ya do it? If so, could you please write me and
tell me a little bit about your experience? And if you didn´t I would have you know that you just rejected the invitation of a Representative of Jesus Christ. That´s medio apostacy. Just so you know. Jaja just kidding. But I would invite you to take it up again. Repentance is real. And I know that the missionaries would LOVE the help. This past week we started an experiement as a zone in which we could NOT knock doors at all, we could only street contact or even better go with members and have them take us to friends or have them knock. And let me tell you, without members it is HARD, HARD, HARD. But with members it is soo much better and sooooo much more effective.
For those of you who forgot what the challenge was, here ya go: That is my challenge for you all today. Go out and or 1. Give the missionaries a name of someone who could be interested. 2. Go out on splits with the missionaries 3. Talk to a friend about the Church. One or all three. I know the Lord will bless you as you as you do this it may not be the blessing you think it will be but I promise you there will be blessings. And as a representative of Christ I can promise you that.

Les amo bastante!
Hermana Milligan
Ps. Sorry for not sending pictures I have been going to slightly sketchy internets and I really didn´t want a virus. But Things are better here so I will be sending pictures soon. Like next week. jaja

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