Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week 29: Burned, Burned, Burned, Companion Parasites, Thank You, And A Challenge From A Representative Of Christ

"My nose is a potato."

That is a little quote from my Líder de Distrito aquí en Tarqui. So last Pday we went on a "little walk" and it turns out that we climed a mountain. Well what they said was that is was bigger than a hill and smaller than a mountain. But practectly a mountain and I didn´t go prepared and was soooo burned, my nose is pealing like a potato and my neck as well it is sooo gross to say the least. Jaja. I have learned my lesson that here in Quito I need to put on sunscreen. Every day.

Well this past week was a bit rough my poor companion has paracites and the pills to get rid of them are almost just as bad as what she had before hand. Pobrecita! I have been blessed with a stomach of steal here. I have not had hardly any problems with my stomach (knock on wood, oh wait I´ll be doing plenty of that for the next year jaja). We lost one of our investigators de oro, he just kind of dropped off the face of the earth o sea, he left to Quayaquil. :/ I´m just praying that he can find the missionaries there. But aside from that everything is going well. We are working hard and are always tired, I´ve been told that is a good sign that we are working well. 

I want to thank everyone for all the Christmas cards, it is the greatest to recieve letters from everyone and see how everyone is doing. so here is one great big GRACIAS for everyone. 

So I can hardly believe that this cambio is almost over! I don´t want Hna Hamilton to leave we get along great, she puts up with my emotions really well jaja. But it is rather likely that she will leave. She has been in Quito this whole time and has not had a single latina companion. So this coming Sunday we will find out if there are changes. It feels like each cambio goes by faster than the other and I am only a third of the way through. I can only imagine how it will be when I reach my half way mark. Crazy.

Spiritual thought for the week:
Heleman 6:3 in this verse the members of the Church are rejoicing for the conversion of there brotheren. I just want to remind everyone that although you may not have the plack or have been set apart as a missionary. The promise in D y C 18:5 is for every person. The worth of souls is great and so will be your joy in helping others. Even if it is just a reference to the missionaries or better yet you got out and teach with them or even just giving a friend a book of mormon. You will be able to see grand blessings and even if your friend hasn´t showed interest in the Gospel it doesn´t matter your bravery and faith will show through and you will be the instrument in helping someone come to Christ. That is my challenge for you all today. Go out and or 1. Give the missionaries a name of someone who could be interested. 2. Go out on splits with the missionaries 3. Talk to a friend about the Church. One or all three. I know the Lord will bless you as you as you do this it may not be the blessing you think it will be but I promis you there will be blessings. And as a representative of Christ I can promise you that. ;P
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Milligan

This is the two kids of a family that I taught in Baños the parents aren´t married but the kids are just the most amazing ever! and they got baptized! I´m going to count them as mine because I found them and taught them I just didn´t participate in their baptism. Just wanted to let you know that.

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