How is everyone? Okay so don´t freak out that I am writing this on Saturday, I´m not being disobedient, like I said in my last letter, we are staying with the mission nurse and her Pday is on Saturday so yeppers I am here and I get to write twice in one week. woah. Crazy. Oh, and because I was sick and tired of all the cat calls and I didn´t want to come home with a complex, that if I didn´t get whistled at at least 5 times in the day that I wan´t pretty, I decided to dye my hair. A nice dark brown color. And it worked. The cat calls have gone down to maybe one or two a day. Woohoo!
So just a little update on how things are going with Hna. Carter. She is doing a LOT better (I can tell the prayers are working). It was thought that she would be going home but with lots of prayer and the help of our wonderful mission President, she is staying! Woohoo! But sadly not as my companion :(, but up unto this point I don´t know who my companion will be I´ll find out Monday, then Monday I´ll be shipped off to my area and will keep you informed.
I love you all sooo much and I know the Lord is watching over you. Just remember who you are, remember your baptismal covenant and what it means. (Mosiah 18:9-10). Remember that grace doesn´t mean that you have to do all you can to pay back the debt, grace means that it has already been payed for and that you are just preparing yourself for how comfortable you want to be in God´s presence (September Liahona 2013).
Les amo bastante!
Hna. Milligan
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