Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 8 A Priesthood Blessing, A Trip To The Hospital, And What They Eat...

Hola mi Familia!

¿Què pasa? Wow. A lot has happened this past week. For starters last monday Hna. Aldàs got really sick with some stomach thing in fact during the time I wrote you last. And then on Tuesday I got sick not really bad but enough that I was out for the day. So we had two days of doing nothing. Let me tell you, being sick is bad but not progressing the work in any way is HORRIBLE. Then thursday I was just having a really hard time with the language and everything. I wasn`t feeling like I was doing any good, I felt like because of my horrible español I was chasing away investigators. Ay. It was bad. Really bad. So Saturday rolls around and I just couldn`t take it any more and I broke down and in broken spanish tried to explain to mi compañera what was going on. Thankfully there happened to be a baptism for someone in the other area and our district leaders were there for that and I was able to recieve a blessing and wow. That blessing really really helped. I felt better after and I even started to speak better spanish. I am so grateful for this gospel and the priesthood. It really is a miracle. Also on saturday Hna Aldàs cut her had really bad in the morning oh it was bad. We patced it up and she thought it would be fine. but later that day it was still bleeding a lot and so we went on a wild goose chase first to the hospital. Oh I am so glad for the hospitals in the U.S.!!! And then to a clinic and then to another clinic and then she had to get 3 stitches. Oh it was crazy!! But all is well now. Todos està bien! 

On a more positive note, my español is improving. The Lord really does answer prayers. But there is a catch, it is only during lessons. Haha. Que bueno. During lessons I can understand a lot better and I can express the principles in the lesson much better than say last week. It`s a miracle!!! Really though it is such a miracle to be able to even just understand. And then be able to speak. Such a miracle. I think my compañera has the gift of tongues because she can understand me in my poor spanish. Haha she is fantastic! Such a good teacher.

Today we got to go on a hike! Oh I was as happy as could be! It was beautiful!!! I thought I had seen a waterfall before...but no.The waterfall at the end was like no other I have ever seen. So big and so gorgeous! And I´ll send pictures just so you can believe me.

I would like to share a scripture that has really helped me this week. Alma 26:12 y 16 (I think it is 16....I left my notes at home again) But in these scriptures Ammon is saying I glory in the Lord for as to my strength I am nothing... It is so true. There is absolutely no way that I could learn as much spanish as I have in the time that I have on my own. No way. It is all the Lord. And it is amazing how much you can do when you realize that. Even then maintaing that way of thinking is even harder. But wow. So many blessings this week. 

And the other is cuy. Chevere :)
If I am not mistaken this is guinea pig
To answer you questions mommy. The food here is fantastic!!! I can`t decide if I am going to loose weight here or gain wait.... Haha I alwasy wake up and feel like I haven`t eaten for days but then by the time lunch rolls around (we eat lunch at the members house) and the portions they give us I feel like I am going to explode from too much food. Especially from the rice! Ay! The rice alone is like two meals. SO MUCH COMIDA!! It starts out with a soup, not just a little soup but like a meal of soup, then they give us the meal with rice, more rice, a salad, and meat, usually chicken. And juice. SOOO much food! I can barely finish it all. But then an hour later I just want to eat more. Usually bread, the bread here is LO MEJOR!!!! I love it so much! How many members? I don`t know the exact number there are a lot of inactive members but oh the members here have a very special place in my heart. I love them so much! There is a difference in the members here. Growing up in Utah the light that everyone talks about is hard to seen because I had grown accustomed to it. But here I can see a difference, there is a light and this may sound rude but the members here are cleaner than the other people. Serious. It is amazing. The investigators who attended church. One of them fell through.. But the other is right on track and it makes me so happy! She lives like 20 minutes bus ride away but she makes it and it makes me so happy! She is great.

Oh, if you have already sent the package then don`t pay attention to this. But If you could fit some tights in that package it would be great! It is sooo cold here and I don`t ever want to shave....Haha
Les amo,
Hermana Milligan

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