Saturday, March 29, 2014

Week 38: Calling All RMs, More Miracles, A Family Of Five, And Ether 12:6

This was a really crazy week! I good week as well. Full of tender mercies. So we are in white wash, o sea, when both the missionaries in this sector are new to the sector, and to add to that we cannot knock doors.(from those of you who have served missions I would love ideas on how you were able to find people with out knocking doors) So the past week and the week before was a bit of a drought for people to teach, we have been working on gaining the confidence of the members and that is going really really well. We went to visit the home of some members and one of their sister in laws is living with them and her two children. Because of a tragedy that they are going through. The 13 year old son, was given a vaccine for the flu and it went horribly wrong and he is in more or less of a vegatated state (I am more grateful than ever for the vaccines that we have in the states). And we taught them The Plan of Salvation and the father works on a fishing boat and is gone for months more or less so we gave him a book of mormon and he was really excited to read it. But the miracle with this story is that the first time we visited them the son was really not there if you get what I mean. The second time he said "chao" and shook our hands. And the third time he stood up on his own and was able to say that he likes Hna. Vélez. jaja. It is such a miracle to see him progress like that it is amazing! 

Second miracle for the week. So in our quest to find new people we turned to the area book and the old investigators(the maps that we have are horrible and there are not addresses) so we had to go around asking people if they know so and so. Great way to find new people as well. But one of the people that we contacted was a man just working on his motorcycle. And he told us we could come back on sunday and his wife will be there as well. so we went back sunday and on e the way we found a member who went with us to the cita. And it turns out that they were there, and it is a family of 5! Woot! And they are really great! we are going to see some more miracles I can feel it! The thing is that I have been praying to find a family of 5, with a daughter of 15 years, and two sons, 12 and 10 years old. And that is not quite what we found but we did find a family of 5, mom and dad, a daughter of 16 años, and two sons one of 13 and the other 8. ¿What? Yeah. How cool is that. I will be sure to fill you in on the progress of this family. 

My companion is amazing! She is the only member in her family and has gone through soo much to be where she is today. She has a suppper strong testimony and I am learning sooo much from her. We laugh soo much. And we are working really hard. I love her!

Okay so I just want to give my testimony of Ether 12:6. It is soo true we do not recieve a testimony till after the trial of our faith. This past week was the trial of my faith and yesterday I recieved my testimony of that I have to endure with patience and if I do that I will recieve the testimony. It is true. I know that my Father in Heaven loves me, I know He loves the people here and I am soo incredibly grateful to be here and to serve the people here.
I know that Jesus is my Savior and I know that he not only died for me, but he also lives for me. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week full of miracles and blessings.

Les amo!
Hna. Milligan

1 comment:

  1. Feliz de escuchar de tus experiencias y de saber que tus oraciones estan siendo contestadas.Mi consejo seria que cuando hagas tus oraciones personales le des gracias a nuestro Padre celestial por las personas que vas a encontrar esa semana y que tus Angeles te guien a encontrar esas personas que necesitan recibir el 'Evangelio en este momento" y pedirles a tus Angeles que aclaren cualquier obstaculo que se presente por el camino y tener Fe que van a encontrar los que estan listos si tu y tu companera estan dispustas a servir y amar a esas personas sin jusjarlas por lo que hayan hecho o como se visten o como hablan. El evangelio es un proceso como todo en esta vida.
