Matt is always asking for a picture of a frog. This was Lauree's reply... |
Te amo mucho!
So this week we have been running around like crazy from the hospital to the mission offices. We have had a lot to do these last couple weeks. But on a bright note, President Ghent asked us to help with the medical treatment of two missionaries who are from Ecuador and had to return home early for medical reasons, in the transfer before this one, algunas 9 weeks ago and they are both doing soooo much better in fact one of them it looks like will be able to go back into the field really soon. That has been such a blessing for me. After seeing sooo many return home for medical reasons, this has been one of the biggest tender mercies I have seen in the mission. Keep her in your prayers please, ella se llama Monica.
Reconstruction on the restroom. |
Every missionary has one of these pics. ;) |
So the area 70 have asked us to read the Book of Mormon for 15 minutes every day, and so that is what we have been doing, we have seen a lot of changes in the ward, there is alot more love and they are getting along better, but that is besides the point, in my studies I have come a crossed some great things first Nefi had Jack Sparrow´s compas (1nefi 18:21) and second that we receive blessings when we do what we need to quickly. I want to focus on one verse specifically 1 Nefi 18:24 in this verse it is right after Nefi and his family landed in the Promised Land, and I love how it says "and it came to pass that we began to cultivate the land... " more or less. This shows that instead of "saying oh we made it, lets take a break" They took the industrious rout and went to work and the last part of the verse says "we were blessed in abundance" Look at that! They went to work and were blessed in abundance! Would you like to be blessed in abundance? Think about what you need to do in order to receive that. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that we can receive modern day guidance from those pages. Dios les bendiga! Y tengan una super semana!!!
Les amo mucho!
hna Milligan
Okay so i need to share something with you. So this week I had to do a few lab tests and one of them was that they had to draw blood and guess what!? I didn´t pass out at all!! Didn´t even come close to it! And I didn´t have anyone to hold my hand and I was fine! that was one of the biggest blessings of the week for me. But don´t worry I am fine and it is just to see what I have going on in my stomach, it has been a bit fussy lately and well that is the reason for the tests. but i just wanted to let you know that I am growing up! jaja
This is what is lovingly called guatita or in english cows stomach. It isn´t quite as bad as I thought it would be but is sure is different. |
Yumm.... |
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