Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 36: Another Transfer, Assistant To The President, More Miracles And Much Happiness....

Well it´s that time again....CAMBIOS!!! And I bet you will never guess, but I got transfered AGAIN. Jaja. Suprise, suprise. This time I am in zona Santa Ana barrio Vargas, I am with Hna. Vélez she is from Puero Rico and is also from my group. She is sooo awesome!! We are going to see some great miracles, I just know it. I feel it in my bones. Jaja
But the real catch to this transfer is that we are like the assistants to the President regarding all things...wait for it....NURSING. Yeah. How crazy is that. The mission nurse finished her mission and we were left without a nurse. So what does that mean? Well it means that we are in charge of setting up medical appointments, helping the new sisters when they come in and if a sister is really sick she will stay with us. Also, Pres. Ghent and Hna. Ghent are finishing their time here in July and they need missionaries who can help the new mission president when he comes get all situated and such. And that is when we come in. Honestly, this is rather strange if you ask me, but we are going to see some great miracles. Lo bueno is that we get the house of the mission nurse and this house has a washing machine AND dryer and a microwave and hot water! WOOHOO!! So that is the dealio with the transfers.
Now for the miracles for the week, 
1. So the family that reciently got baptized, well they didn`t want to give certain things that we need for the paperwork part of this and we were trying and trying to help them understand that it is okay and that nothing would happen because of it. And for a long time they just didn`t want to give it. But right at the last moment we called them to try again and she was like "oh of course hermanitas" but all the way in spanish, and we were able to get that sent off. And they are a lot more open to things and it is going a lot better. 2. So, I have been praying a lot to find a family and also someone who is ready to make changes in thier life. And we found both in one. When I was on diviciones with another Hna. We found a family, the husband gave us their number and we planned a cita. When we went to the cita they weren`t there. But we kept going back and we found the wife and she let us in and she told us that her husband works a lot and that her other children as well. Okay, that`s okay we will work with what we have. Then we planned another cita for then next day and we go for the cita and guess what, the husband is there!!! We invite them to be baptized and they accepted! We then had a tour of the church and we watched the video of the Restauración and we asked them to pray as a family, they did. We asked them how they felt and what they thought and the father said "queremos entrar" o sea, we want to enter refering to the door of baptism! I about cried. It was one of the most beautiful times of my life. Turns out that they want to make changes in their life to become better have a stronger family and return to live with a son who died not to long ago. And they are married. It is quite a blessing to have been there and to have been able to meet them and help them even for a little bit. Because now I am in another sector. But I know that they are in good hands, Hna. Mora is still there and she is going to help them and they are going to have una familia eterna!!!
I love you all and hope that all is well with you and I have a wonderful week!
Les amo!
Hna Milligan

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