Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 28: Grateful For Our Father's Plan, Chillogallo, New Contacts, Hike For A View, Why Take Upon The Name Of Christ...

Hola familia!
First things first, I am sad/ happy to hear about Grandma Davis. I know that she is now in a better place and is no longer suffering. As my mission president told me Thanks to the Plan of Salvation that we know that death is not the end. And it is so true, it is for this knowledge that I am not really sad. I am sad that I won´t be able to give her a hug in this life but I know that I will see my grandma again and that is the hope that I am bringing to others.

Okay so I haven´t been able to write very much these past few weeks but now things are starting to normal out. Woot! So I am now in Chillogallo en un sector se llama Tarqui con la Hermana Hamilton. She came in my group and is fantastic we get along great and are finding some awesome people, which reminds me of my first day in this sector we went out contacting and we go to this one house and there was this chica and we presented ourselves and she was like one minute and left. And out comes this joven o sea young kid and he told us to go to another gate but the way he said it we thought he was just telling us to keep moving on but no, he told us to go to another gate so we could come in. And so we walk in feeling a little awkward and he starts setting up two chairs, now we didn´t present ourselves to him, and so Hna Hamilton asks if he knows who we are and he says yeah, you´re the missionaries de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos días. Bueno. así somos. And it turns out that he is from the coast and in here going to school but like two months before and he told us that he wanted to finish what he started with the other missionaries. He is sooo awesome. He wants to serve a mission and everything he even went to Church and it was great!
So today the district leaders were like let´s go on a walk to this really great view of Quito! Okay we said. And it turns out that we literally  climbed a mountain well as they say here cerro which is to say bigger than a hill but smaller than a mountain. Bueno. We ran out of water more than half way up and it was just crazy, but it was soooo pretty les voy a enviar fotos. It but let me tell you it wasn´t a "walk" it was one of the hardest hikes of my
life! but so pretty and great to get my mind off things. I have a great zone!
Spiritual thought D y C 18:22-24. Why do we need to take upon us the name of Christ? Bueno, Because that is the name that we will be called in the LAst days. I don´t know about you but I would sure like to know the name that the Lord will call me with. I know that families can be together forever only in and through the atoning sacrifice of the Savior and as we accept what he has done and take the discision to follow him. 
Les amo mucho,

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