Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 2... It difficult, but it is possible....

Sorry I wasn´t able to write you all last week I was freaking out about the time restraint and just wanted to let you know what was going on. Thank you so much for you emails. I think you can send mail so if you want to, I wouldn´t be opposed to getting letters :P This past week was a bit more challenging, but hey challenges are meant to be concured (GHA not having spell check is getting to me haha) I love my companions they are great, it´t a little difficult to teach whith three people becuase either we will all try and talk at the same time or think that the other is going to so it goes silent haha but we really have much gotten better. One of these days I will send a message all in spanish and make you translate it haha no, but eventually I will be ABLE to do that. Last week there was this crazy rainstorm (Heather I

thought of you as I used my umbrella). It was like a river except it was the road haha. Good times. My boots really came in handy :P We can only take pictures on Pday so I don´t really have that many I hope you each got a picture. I felt really bad about not being able to answer questions so I wanted to give everyone a picture. Yesterday, mi compañeras y mi were able to go almost the whole day speaking nothing but Spanish, it was AWESOME! I hope all is well with everyone. Let me know how Grandma Davis is doing por favor. We taught our last lesson con Miguel (really one of the teachers who was acting) and it went well in the previous lesson he said that it was difficult to follow the commandments and we all kinda studdered through that it wasn´t really difficult (we are still struggling to get out a proper answer in español) but it bugged me that that was all we could say. So next lesson the words just came, Sí, es dificíl pero, es posible. Yes, it´s difficult but it is possible. On Sunday we watched a devotional from Elder Scott from the Provo MTC and in it he gave an apolstolic blessing  saying : Those struggling with a new language, you will master it. The Lord has called you and He will fit the trial to your capibility. It may have just been said at the MTC pero creo que es for You as well. I love you all and I am excited to hear how things are going more. Please give my dog a hug for me. Haha. THE LORD LOVES YOU with a perfect love that I cannot express. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
With much love and prayers, Hermana Milligan
P.S the food here is great! They try and make things Americanized and it makes me smile so much. They give us pizza and mashed potatoes for breakfast haha it´s just great. Yesterday they made us tomalles though so they are starting to give us some more authentic Mexican food (or at least what we North American´s think is authentic haha)

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